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Friday, September 30, 2011

red carpet interviewer 2004 oscars::Today, i had the pleasure of meeting and the three groups of six students as they happened to be on the red carpet with ampas officials red carpet interviewer 2004 oscars

red carpet interviewer 2004 oscars

red carpet interviewer 2004 oscars

red carpet interviewer 2004 oscars

red carpet interviewer 2004 oscars::Today, i had the pleasure of meeting and the three groups of six students as they happened to be on the red carpet with ampas officials.
They are every bit as nice and charming in person as they come across on their videos.
The front runners in the competition are the chapman u students who got 52 percent of the online vote at the time of my first blog post.
But that written, there was only about two percent separating the three teams.
I asked all of them what they would say to tom cruise and got some interesting responses as the video shows.
The final announcement of the winner will be tomorrow morning at 10 am on the red carpet at kodak theater.
Meanwhile, good luck to all of the folks!
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