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Friday, September 30, 2011

rainbow vacuum carpet shampooer::You should have the control assembly, with the trigger, for releasing the solution, and water rainbow vacuum carpet shampooer

rainbow vacuum carpet shampooer

rainbow vacuum carpet shampooer

rainbow vacuum carpet shampooer

rainbow vacuum carpet shampooer::You should have the control assembly, with the trigger, for releasing the solution, and water.
The hose attached to it should be about 50 feet long, and this is what easily attaches to your faucet in your kitchen, or bath.
There are other adapters that can be purchased for these, to attach to a water hose, or clothes washer outlet fitting, but they are not factory original.
You should have an extraction head, with spray nozzle, for the solution hose to attach to, and a brush, for scrubbing your carpet with, during usage.
You should have a manual, and a little faucet attachment instruction sheet.
You should also have a total of 4 attachment accessories for attaching your water supply hose to you faucet in your kitchen, or bath.
This is absolutely everything that comes factory for these units.
There is a video tape for the e series, that is factory original, also.
The only unit that will not work with all of the above is the aquamate two.
It will only work with the e series, and e2 and e2 with two speed.
That is it for now.
I hope that this information is helpful for all of you.
Thank you for viewing my information.
rainbow vacuum carpet shampooer::The clean rinse function eliminates
sticky soap scum immediately after use rainbow vacuum carpet shampooer


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