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Friday, September 16, 2011

herods palaces::Natural alternative for herpes herods palaces

herods palaces herods palaces::Natural alternative for herpes.
How to treat herpes without drugs.
Drug free treatment for herpes.
Treat symptomes earlier with to avoid complications.
Remedy by john date 11 july 2008 remedy dr.
The swelling goes down in an hour.
Remedy by date remedy ice works well for herpes on your lips.
However the best treatment i have found is tamanu oil.
Place a few drops on a cotton ball and swap the area that is infected.
Repeat 2 or 3 times within 1 hour.
Not only will the pain go away, but also the symptons.
Tamanu oil should be used in full strength.
It can be ordered over the internet.
Remedy by date remedy apply dermae tea tree oil and vitamin e to a bandaid and place on blister.
It will stop itching and make it go away in about 3 days.
It will still be somewhat bothersome, but not half as bad as with no medication.
Works just as good as the antiviral pills.
Make sure you keep it clean and covered with the tea tree until it is completely healed.
Not a cure but it sure does help.
Do not apply pure tea tree oil it is too strong.
Dermae is on the internet and lasts forever.


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